Director's Note | August 2016

A few years ago, the library was asked to participate in Pendleton Heights High School's career day.  We were encouraged to include an activity as a part of our presentation table. How could we select just ONE aspect of this profession to illustrate all of the wonderful things that library workers do?  In the end, we created a little checklist for the students to complete.  We asked them to "check the boxes next to things you like to do."  The list included things like being crafty, planning programs and events, using technology and social media, organizing and collecting things, and interacting with children.  As it turns out, lots of students were interested in things like that, and we went on to explain that those were the types of things that they would do if they worked in a library...not, contrary to popular belief, read all day.
I think that we attracted a few students to library work that day.  And, we continue to attract more with our VolunTEEN program.  If you know of any high school students who are interested in putting in volunteer hours, learning new skills, and perhaps finding a future career, please let them know about the library's VolunTEEN program.  Working as a VolunTEEN is great way to beef up a resume or college application.  Students get to work in a fun environment and meet new friends with similar interests.  VolunTEENs are the first ones we tap when we are looking to fill our High School Page position.  And, everybody who signs up for the program gets a free, tie-dye shirt!  Our fall session will run from August 22 to December 16.  Applications are available at the front desk and are due by August 12. 

For more information, call 778-7527, and ask for Ashley.

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