If you love getting together with other readers to discuss great books, consider joining one of the library’s many book clubs.  The library has book clubs for all ages, even kids!

1st & 2nd Graders:  Bookworms

The Bookworms club is for kids in the first and second grades.  They meet once a month on the second Wednesday from 6 - 7 p.m., between October and May. Club members discuss the monthly book selection and do a related activity or craft. There are no fees for any of our Children's Book Clubs, and the kids will get to keep a copy of each book.   Sign-up is required, and the registration period will begin in mid-August 2022. The first book will be passed out in September, and the first meeting of the new session will be in October. This program is sponsored by the Pendleton Kiwanis.

3rd & 4th Graders:  Rocket Readers

The Rocket Readers club is for kids in the third and fourth grades. They meet once a month on the second Tuesday from 6 - 7 p.m., between October and May. Club members discuss the monthly book selection and do a related activity or craft. There are no fees for any of our Children's Book Clubs, and the kids will get to keep a copy of each book. Sign-up is required, and the registration period will begin mid-August 2022. The first book will be passed out in September, and the first meeting of the new session will be in October.. This program is sponsored by the Pendleton Kiwanis.

5th & 6th Graders:  Page Turners

The Page Turners club is for kids in the fifth and sixth grades. They receive a "Book Box" to take home with a surprise book and a related activity or craft. There are no fees for any of our Children's Book Clubs, and the kids will get to keep a copy of each book. Monthly sign-up is required, email Ms. Rhonda to reserve your book box. This program is sponsored by the Pendleton Kiwanis.

7th, 8th, & 9th Graders:  Bodacious Book Brigade

The Bodacious Book Brigade is for 7th through 9th grade students. This awesome group of teens meet on the 7th Tuesday of every month from 4 - 5 p.m. Students discuss age appropriate books and graphic novels. Snacks that tie into the book’s theme are provided. This group, when possible, have Skype interviews with the authors of the books. There are no dues for this club, and the club discusses books February through November. The Bodacious Book Brigade is sponsored by the Friends of the Pendleton Library.

High Schoolers:  TBA

Ages 16+:  Starry Night

The Starry Night book club meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Members should be at least sixteen years of age. Each member will have the opportunity to help select the books that will be read during the year.  While typically full, please email cbellessis, or call 765-778-7527 ext. 2109 to discover if you can be a part of these lively discussions. 

Ages 21+:  Afternoon Delight

This 21 and over book club meets on the third Thursday of every month from 1 - 2 p.m. Sometimes the club picks up and moves to a local restaurant where the discussion continues over food and drinks. This club is currently full, but please email cbellessis, or call the library at 778-7527 ext. 2109 to be placed on a waiting list.



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