Pendleton Community Public Library cards are free to persons who live or own property in Fall Creek, Green, or Adams Townships. It is necessary for library staff to verify a patron’s identity and current address before issuing a library card.

Patrons applying for new library cards must show one piece of photo identification, preferably a current Indiana driver’s license or state-issued identification card. If the address information on the driver’s license or identification card is correct, and the applicant lives within the library’s tax district, a library card will be issued free of charge.

If the address on the photo ID is not correct, or if the ID has been issued by another state, patrons will have to verify their local address by showing two forms of secondary identification along with their photo ID. Acceptable forms of secondary identification include, but are not limited to:

  1. Postmarked mail addressed to the applicant’s local residence within the past sixty (60) days
  2. Bill or benefit statement within sixty (60) days of issuance
  3. Pre-printed personal check that includes name and address
  4. Pay stub covering a period within sixty (60) days
  5. Voter registration card
  6. Valid Indiana vehicle or watercraft title or registration
  7. Other “secondary forms” of ID as specified by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. (These will only be accepted if they are presented within sixty (60) days of issuance and show address information. See for a current listing of secondary forms of ID.)

Patrons without Address Verification and an Outdated Photo ID
Patrons who do not present two valid forms of address verification when applying for a library card must still show a photo ID. These patrons will be issued a Temporary Card which is valid for 30 days. Temporary Cards are limited to the checkout of five items on the account at any one time, subject to regular policy limits by format. Temporary Cards are subject to the same fees, and loan limits as regular patron cards. After 30 days, two forms of current address verification must be presented, or the Temporary Card will be revoked. Patrons who are able to present two forms of address verification after 30 days, but still have an outdated photo ID, are required to present a current photo ID within 6 months of receiving their regular library card. The unique number assigned to the photo ID will be included in the borrower record as part of the registration process and may be used for collection purposes. See below.

Patrons with Address Verification and an Outdated Photo ID
Patrons who are not able to show a current photo ID at the time of registration will be required to present an updated photo ID within 6 months of their original registration. The unique number assigned to the photo ID will be included in the borrower record as part of the registration process and may be used for collection purposes.

Granting Permissions
Cardholders are expected to present their library card or a current photo ID every time they check out. All persons checking out materials must be in good standing with the library, owing fines of $20.00 or less. If permission to use a card has been granted to a person other than the card holder, that person is to be listed or linked to the account. Patrons listed on an account are allowed to pick up holds only. Patrons linked to accounts have full use access. Any library card holder who presents a card other than their own must themselves be in good standing with the library, regardless of the card on which they wish to check out.

Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges with Indiana Libraries
The Pendleton Community Public Library also has a reciprocal agreement with libraries throughout the State of Indiana. Patrons may contact the library to see if there is a reciprocal agreement with their home library.

Online Registration
If patrons are 18 or older and eligible for a regular patron card, they may register online for a library card. Once registration information is verified, the library card will be mailed to the patron. In order to check out physical materials from the library, the pieces of identification referenced above will need to be presented to a library staff member at checkout.

Types of Library Cards

Teachers Cards
If you are a teacher or student at any public or non-public preK-12 school in Fall Creek, Green, or Adams Townships, you may be issued a card. Teacher cards are issued after confirming current employment in the local school. Employment may be verified with a school ID, pay stub, or verification on school letterhead.

Student Cards
Student cards are issued after confirming current enrollment in the local school. Enrollment may be verified with a student ID, report card, or verification on school letterhead.

Indiana Public Library Access Card (PLAC)
If you live in the state of Indiana but outside of Madison County, you may use an Indiana Public Library Access Card (PLAC) to access services at Pendleton Community Library. The PLAC program allows an individual to borrow materials directly from any public library in Indiana. An individual who holds a valid public library card in good standing may obtain a PLAC. The annual fee for a PLAC is set by the State Library.

Non-Resident Card
Individuals may purchase a non-resident Pendleton Community Public Library card by paying the current non-resident fee of $40.


Approved by the Pendleton Community Library Board of Trustees
January 10, 2024


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