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Bringing a little drama to your library

Bringing a little drama to your library
Last summer I was approached by two very kind women from Anderson about using our community room for drama classes for local students. I immediately saw this as a great chance to partner with their theatre group. That was when the Library Drama Camp was born. We were very excited to join forces with Spotlight on Drama to create a week-long intensive day camp for students. The kids would meet every day for a week to learn about theatre, acting, and public speaking. During that week they would also work on a short play. The week would culminate in a presentation of the play for their families. We gave it a go last July, and it was a big success. It was only natural to want to do it again. So your library partnered with Spotlight on Drama once again this spring break. Last week we had our second drama camp, and the students performed the classic tale Stone Soup. I am extremely impressed that a group of 7-13 year old kids can learn all of their lines and perform a play after only 4 days. This time the play included a short musical number as well which was a new experience for many of the students. This group of kids not only performed the play, but they were stars!
If you would like to see their performance, you can find it at the link below. Due to the amazing success of these camps, we are pleased to announce that we will offer another Drama Camp during the week of July 22nd. If you have a student who is in 1st-6th grade who would like to perform, keep an eye on our calendar, newsletter, and social media for announcements.
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A note from an appreciative mom about Hoopla

A message was received from a local mom to share her Hoopla experience, we wanted to take this opportunity to share it with everyone:

I want to thank my library for introducing me to Hoopla. I had been a user of this service since you began offering it a few years ago to listen to audiobooks while running errands and doing housework. Recently I have discovered the value it has for my kids as well. My daughter was having what I would call a "readers block". She had lost her enthusiasm for reading and it really concerned me. Then we noticed that she wasn't completing her SRC reading quizzes at school as a result. As with many families, we have a very busy schedule. We're always running off to sports, programs, parties, etc. So I began to think about this time we were "wasting" in the car. Since my daughter gets carsick, reading in the car wasn't an option for her, and she was so exhausted by bedtime that she would fall asleep reading. One afternoon she noticed that I was browsing through my Hoopla app trying to select my next book to listen to. This piqued her interest! So we browsed the children's titles together, and WOW there are a lot. She settled on one of the I Survived titles in the popular series. Since we drive to Fishers twice a week for practice, I thought this would be a perfect time to start listening. As we cruised down I-69 listening to I Survived Hurricane Katrina, I noticed that she was very engaged with the book (honestly, so was I). We were able to finish that title in one evening. It also sparked some great conversations between the two of us about my memories of the hurricane. The next time we had to head to Fishers, she asked if we could pick another book. So we settled on I Survived September 11, 2001. Again, she was engaged and we were able to have some great conversations about this historical event. Her next title was a Lemony Snicket book, with an amazing narrator. Another win for us! Since beginning to listen to books, I've noticed her more excited to pick up her books and read too. Now that she's found titles she has liked on audio, it has inspired her to read more in those series.

Another side note that I love about Hoopla is that I can download the titles onto my phone. That way I'm not using up all my data as we drive down the highway. We also download picture books to use as bedtime stories on a recent vacation, so we didn't have to pack numerous books to keep our bedtime routine.
Thank you so much for this service and so many others!
An Appreciative Mom

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Lemonade Stands

Did you ever have a lemonade stand as a kid? I know I did. It was always fun to team up with a friend, mix up the lemonade, and sell to our neighbors. Then we got to dream about what all those dimes and quarters would buy.
Well, the lemonade stand is still around. Now there is a national initiative to teach kids entrepreneurship using the lemonade stand. Lemonade Day was created to encourage kids to get out there and sell lemonade. It teaches them how to start the business, even encouraging them to look for funding or "seed money" to help them get started. Now Lemonade Day has come to Pendleton and your library is getting involved. We're offering a series of events to teach the kids how to host their own lemonade stands. We're putting another spin on it as well. If you want to participate with the library, you can host your stand here. The money raised at the library stands are going to directly benefit the children's department. Since the kids are doing the hard work, they get to decide how we spend it.

If you would like your child to participate in this event, please email Miss Sara at for more information.
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2016 was a fun year!

Wow!  I can't believe it is nearly a new year.  When I took on the role of Children's Programming Librarian in February, I had no idea what was in store for me.  This year we had so many amazing programs.  We had visits from outside groups like Silly Safaris and Professor Steve.  Just last week we had a visit from Santa, Mrs. Claus, and their reindeer, Misfit.  As I look back with a full heart, I remember so many good times.  There were lots of laughs and smiles from the children.  I got to hold an armadillo!  I built a gingerbread house large enough for the kids to play in.  We had a visit from Piggie and Elephant from the Mo Willems' books.  We held a worm race here at the library.  The Mascot Stampede had us running and dancing with the Butler Bulldog, Charlie Cardinal, Rodney Raven, and the Pendleton Arabian!  So many days I came home covered in paint, glitter, or both.  Being able to provide programs for kids from ages birth-12 is an amazing privilege.  As I look back, it makes me excited to see what is in store for 2017!  Before we know it, Summer Reading will be starting and there will be a fresh batch of memories to be made.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our programs this year.  A huge thank you to the rest of the library staff, the VolunTEENs, the Friends of the Library, and the countless parent helpers who made my first year an amazing one!

~Miss Sara~


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