spreading the news

A few weeks ago, I was at a local salon for the first time.  The stylist asked me if I lived in Pendleton, and I told her that I worked at the library.  To that, she sheepishly responded, "Well, I can't say that I spend a lot of time there." I laughed and said that we didn't judge. But, I suggested that she stop in sometime to see what we offer these days.  I happened to mention that she could check out a free power washer from our Library of Things, and she was pretty surprised. 

When I went on to mention that virtual reality goggles, a metal detector, ukulele, and TV antenna were all available, she hollered over to another stylist, "Are you hearing this?" Before she could respond, the woman sitting in the other stylist's chair yelled back, "I'm sure hearing it, and I had no idea!"  And, just like that, I had slyly promoted the public library to three people, all while getting an eyebrow wax.

Sharing news about the good work of public libraries is a never-ending job.  There will always be somebody who just doesn't know what the modern library offers, and we'll take opportunities to let people know every chance we get. 

Last month we embraced National Library Week with our Friends of the Library.  The outpouring of support from our community was reaffirming. We always love the opportunity to share information about the importance of libraries, even with those who visit on a regular basis.  Whether you are a regular user or somebody who hasn't visited in a while, we invite you to stop in and take a look around.  Check out a ukulele while you're at it.

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