Pages of Pendleton

This is not an article about COVID-19. This IS an article about how we celebrate the creativity of the people around us. Our Adult Programming & Outreach Specialist, Ashley Grounds, had a great idea. She wanted to help local residents feel connected with each other, and their community, and so she created the Pages of Pendleton

When you check out a book that is a part of the Pages of Pendleton series, you will find these words inside:

The book you are holding is filled (or soon will be) with the thoughts and energy of our community. Get comfy and take your time reading through the completed pages. When you’re ready, begin your story on the first blank page. You can write, draw, or collage your entry.

 Each journal has a theme. We ask that you please stick to the theme. Some are serious, some light-hearted, and others are more informational. Once the book is filled, it will be added to our collection for others to view for years to come.

I happened to pick up one of these journals up the other day, and I was immediately taken. I learned about Wangari Maathai who somebody wrote about in the I’d Love to Meet…(this historical person) volume. In the When I grow up… volume, I read about the career goals of a young person who wanted to join the military, then the CIA, before retiring at the age of 40. I even got a few good recommendations for what to watch next on Netflix when I peeked inside the volume entitled What I Recommend on Netflix.

The entries are touching and heartfelt. They are funny. They are helpful. They are creative. And best of all, they belong to you. Share your thoughts, your stories, and your recommendations. Let’s stay connected.

Curious to learn more? Explore the Pages of Pendleton.

Lynn Hobbs, Library Director

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