The Pendleton Community Public Library strives to provide a friendly and welcoming facility that can be used in comfort and safety. Security cameras are in use at the Library for the purpose of enhancing the security of the Library, its property, staff, and patrons. This policy establishes guidelines for the placement and use of cameras, as well as the access and retrieval of recorded images.

Security Cameras Purpose and Placement Guidelines

  • Security cameras will be used in public spaces to document events involving the safety and security of the Library’s patrons, staff, and property. Cameras will not be installed in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a restroom or private office. Cameras may be placed in staff-only areas where other security issues are of concern, such as the existence of staff lockers or mechanical room entrances where non-employees may come and go unsupervised. Cameras may be placed in both indoor and outdoor areas.

  • Signs are posted at Library entrances informing the public and staff that cameras are in use.

  • Cameras are not installed for the purpose of monitoring routine staff performance.

  • Cameras are not continuously monitored. All individuals occupying library property should take appropriate precautions for their safety and for the security of their personal property.

Use and Disclosure of Video and Images

  • The Library Director may designate specific staff to have access to cameras on office desktop monitors or remotely. Designated staff understands the guidelines established within this policy and agrees to adhere to them. Utilizing camera access or footage outside of its intended purpose is cause for Board disciplinary action. This includes potential disciplinary action against the Library Director.

  • Camera footage is recorded and stored on a dedicated server. The data contained within is considered confidential and secure. Access to recorded archival data is limited to the Library Director and Public Services Librarian.

  • Video surveillance records are to be used when attempting to identify the circumstances surrounding potential Library policy violations or potential criminal activities involving individuals on library property.

  • Video surveillance records are to be used when attempting to gather more information surrounding an event where the library could be at a liability risk.

  • Camera video or still shots will be made available to law enforcement officials or agencies upon presentation of a valid subpoena, or pursuant to court order. Library Administration may also turn camera footage over to law enforcement, as deemed appropriate, within the purposes outlined in this policy.

  • Recorded data is stored on the dedicated server for 90 days. Still shots or selected portions of the recorded data will be maintained until final resolution of the related incident. Stored camera footage may be removed from the dedicated server but remains secured from unauthorized access.

  • The public is not allowed to view video or still shots captured from the library’s security cameras. Requests to this end will be referred to law enforcement.

Disclaimer of Responsibility

  • This policy is publicly available on the library’s website and will be provided otherwise upon request.

  • Although the Library makes every effort to maintain full working capacity of its security cameras, it does not guarantee 100% uptime of camera hardware and software.

  • The Library disclaims any liability for use of the recorded data in accordance with the terms of this policy, given that the Library is a public facility and the security cameras are limited to those areas where the public and staff have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Approved by the Pendleton Community Public Library Board of Trustees
January 25, 2023

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