The Pendleton Community Public Library charges patrons the full replacement cost for items that are never returned, or returned damaged beyond repair. Once an item has been overdue 30 days, it is considered “never returned,” and the patron is charged the full replacement cost of the item as it appears in the library’s database. The replacement cost includes a $5 processing fee. Replacement costs will also be charged when items are returned that are badly damaged and must be taken out of circulation.

The library charges the full replacement cost for each lost item. This fee is posted in the item record in the library’s database and includes a $5 processing fee as reimbursement for additional staff time and processing materials. Items that are damaged while in a patron’s possession will be charged according to the type of repair. Common costs associated with lost or damaged items are listed below. If the cost is uncertain, the appropriate staff member will determine the charge for the item. All related fees will be posted to the patron’s account, and the patron will be notified of the charges. Patrons are given 30 days to review and pay for damaged items that they want to keep. After that time, the item(s) will be discarded. Patrons remain responsible for all associated fees.

In some instances, patrons pay for a lost item to settle their account, but then later find the book and request a refund. However, payment of an item is considered admission of the patron’s liability for the lost item, and no refunds will be given. Since they have paid for the book, they own it. Patrons will only be refunded for a lost and paid item if it is determined by library staff that the item was mishandled by the library.

When patrons pay the replacement cost for a lost or damaged item, they will be referred to a librarian. The librarian will verify the cost listed in the library’s database against the current replacement cost for the exact same item. Oftentimes, costs listed in the database are outdated, and the item can be replaced at a lower cost. Should this be the case, the patron will be charged for the item at its current replacement cost. If an exact replacement is no longer available for purchase, or the current purchase price is higher than what is listed, the patron will be charged the amount indicated in the database. Replacing the item is always at the discretion of the librarian, regardless of whether or not the patron has paid for the replacement.

Patrons who disagree with the library’s records and contend that a lost item was returned or never checked out are offered the option to make a claim on the item. A claim forgives replacement cost associated with the lost item. Each patron is allowed two claims on his/her/their account.

Fee structure for item processing / repair:
Lost item: 100% of the replacement cost, which includes a $5 processing fee.
Lost or damaged CD/DVD booklets: $3
Lost or damaged CD/DVD cases: $3
Damaged plastic book cover (requires re-covering): $2
Lost or torn barcode: $1
Lost earphones: $5
Lost device charger or power supply: $20
Hotspot instruction card: $2

Adopted by the Pendleton Community Public Library Board of Trustees
January 10, 2024

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